Installation on the Timberwolf server with the app

The easiest way to install the CometVisu on the Timberwolf-Server is by using the supplied app.


Selection of the CometVisu app on the Timberwolf user interface

When it was installed by clicking on the green “+” the CometVisu will be listed on the “active apps” section. Behind “URL” is the link shown that can be used to directly access the CometVisu.



Installed CometVisu app

The app can be configured by using the pen symbol. Most important is the row “Version”. The version number given there will be installed. By changing this number it is possible to switch to this version number.

Installation on the Timberwolf with Portainer

The advanced method to install the CometVisu on the Timberwolf server (only necessary in rare occasions, the installation by app is recommended) is to use the Docker administration interface Portainer<>. This instruction can be used mostly also for other systems that are based on Docker and Portainer.


With this tutorial the CometVisu will be available on the Timberwolf server via HTTPS under the address https://<my timberwolf>/proxy/visu/.

Basically, these steps are also suitable as a reference for installations via portainer on other systems, but the steps must be adapted in detail, as there usually no proxy is available, which makes the CometVisu accessible via HTTPS.

Create Volumes

Volume for Config Files

First, create a volume to store the configuration files and keep them while rebooting and updating the container.

Necessary steps are: VolumesAdd Volume → Name: CometVisuConfigCreate the Volume


Create Volume with Portainer

This volume can be filled from the outside with the config files or best by using the Config-Manager.

Volume for RRD

This step is optional and only necessary if you want to use the Diagram Plugin with RRD files. When using the InfluxDB this step can be skipped.

The steps for creating the Volume for Config Files must be repeated, but the name CometVisuRRD is hereby meaningfully chosen. The filling of this container must be external, e.g. by another container that simultaneously incorporates this RRD container.

Important: The internal format of the RRD files is architecture specific. Thus, the RRG files from WireGate (32 bit architecture) can not be used directly on the Timberwolf (64 bit architecture) [1].

Creating a Container

Under: ContainersAdd Container

  • Name: CometVisu

  • Image configuration: Name: cometvisu/cometvisu:latest for the big servers (TWS2xxx) and for the rail mounted smaller servers

  • Port mapping: host 18080, container 80

  • Advanced container settings:

    • Volumes: Volume mapping

      • container: /var/www/html/configvolume: CometVisuConfig (bis einschließlich Version 0.10.2)

      • container: /var/www/html/resource/configvolume: CometVisuConfig (ab Version 0.11)

      • container: /var/www/rrdvolume: RRD (Optional, wenn RRD genutzt werden soll)

    • Env: Environment variables

      • name: CGI_URL_PATH with value: /proxy/visu/cgi-bin/

      • Depending on the local environment, additional customizations may be required, as specified in the section of the Docker Container.

        So it may be necessary to set a value for KNX_PA other than the default 1.1.238 if this physical address is already occupied or if another line is to be used as 1.1.

        It is also important that the port of the KNX interface is correct. At the Timberwolf it can be looked up at SettingsKNXInterfaced:


        Should it be different to the default of 3700 then the environment variable KNX_INTERFACE should be changed accordingly, in this example to iptn:

    • Restart policy: Unless stopped


Create Container at Portainer


Configure Container Volumes at Portainer


Configure Container Env at Portainer


Configure Container Restart policy at Portainer

Then create the container by pressing Deploy the container.

Proxy setup

At the Timberwolf Frontend: SettingsRemote AccessReverse Proxy

  • URL: visu/, Target

Accept with Add


Add Timberwolf Proxy-Entry

CometVisu is now available: https://<mein timberwolf>/proxy/visu/

InfluxDB access


The InfluxDB access as well as the hidden config was introduced with version 0.11.0 and isn’t available in earlier versions.

To access the time series in the InfluxDB its credentials must be added to the hidden configuration of the manager. To get them you must click at the Timberwolf server in the Portainer menu on the i after the line “How to access the time series database from within a Docker container” and note the Username and Password.


Timberwolf InfluxDB credentials

In the hidden configuration of the manager you must create an entry with the properties:

  • Name: influx

  • Key and value:

    • uri: (Should you have not followed this manual and used a different network setting you might need to change here the IP address accordingly)

    • user: Username from the credentials

    • pass: Password from the credentials

    • selfsigned: true


Timberwolf InfluxDB credentials in the manager


Replace Container

Under ContainersCometVisu pressing the button Duplicate / Edit to invoked the menu for refreshing the container.

Here’s to make sure Always pull the image is active.

Under Advanced container settingsLabels the labels should be deleted in order to be able to recognize later which CometVisu container version is installed.

If you want to change from version 0.10.2 to a version from the 0.11 series, then under Volumes the config path from /var/www/html/config to /var/www/html/resource/config.

ActionsDeploy the Container will now replace the container with the latest version.


Replace Container at Portainer with a new version

Afterwards the security question has to be confirmed.


Confirmation to replace the container at portainer with a new version


When a container is replaced with a new one, the old one remains as Unused in the system and continues to occupy space. This can be deleted under Images.

By marking the image to be deleted (recognizable by the label Unused and the corresponding tag) the image can be removed with Remove.


Portainer Dialog to remove an image

Development version

Basically, the same steps as for the release have to be carried out for the current development version. Although theoretically the same configuration volume can be used as for the productive version, a separate volume (for example CometVisuTestConfig) should be created, as the format of the config files may change incompatibly due to future updates.

As described under Docker the newest Development version the tag testing. Thus, under Creating the container as name cometvisu/cometvisu:testing

must be used.

In order to have a uniform environment for error reporting, etc. the testing version should be installed with these parameters:

  • Container:

    • Name: CometVisuTest

    • Image configuration: Name: cometvisu/cometvisu:testing

    • Port mapping: host 28080, container 80

    • Advanced container settings:

      • Volumes: Volume mapping

        • container: /var/www/html/resource/configvolume: CometVisuTestConfig

        • container: /var/www/rrdvolume: RRD (Optional)

      • Env: Environment variables name: CGI_URL_PATH with value: /proxy/visutest/cgi-bin/

  • Proxy:

    • URL: visutest, Target